Top 5 – Awesome Movies Coming to Netflix in January

Unlike the movies coming out this month, Netflix is dropping some pretty solid titles this month.  Not as much as they usually do, but the five movies I am about to name are pretty great.  Here are my picks for the best movies coming to Netflix in January.


You can see the full list of movies and T.V. shows being released this month right here



5 – BEE MOVIE (Steve Hickner and Simon J. Smith, 2007)

There are other movies that warranted a spot on this list, like Braveheart (1995) and Caddyshack (1980), but it’s my list and I chose this one.  Bee Movie is Jerry Seinfeld playing a bee named Barry who sues humans for eating the honey that he and his colony makes, while also having feelings for a human woman (Renee Zellweger).  This is a light hearted, funny, enjoyable animated flick that Seinfeld shines in, giving Barry a very unique, fun personality.  It’s a great kids movie to watch during this cold season.



4 – THE SHINING (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)

I’m not the biggest Kubrick fan in the world, but this is one of his films I really love.  The Shining is one of the scariest movies I have ever seen.  From the meticulous pacing, to the haunting images, to Jack Nicholson’s unnerving, masterful performance, this is a film that stays with you long after you see it, yet, you want to rewatch it immediately after.  Kubrick’s direction is perfection, making one of the smartest and craftiest horror films ever made.  If you haven’t seen this classic, now is your chance.



3 – BOOGIE NIGHTS (Paul Thomas Anderson, 1997)

Boogie Nights takes a look at the porn industry in a way we have never seen it before and probably never will.  This is the movie that put one of our finest directors, Paul Thomas Anderson, on the map.  It also showed that Mark Wahlberg was more than just a six-pack and earned Burt Reynolds an Oscar nomination.  This is an epic, captivating, brilliant mosaic and one of the best movies of the 1990’s.



2 – HUGO (Martin Scorsese, 2011)

After Martin Scorsese won his Oscar for The Departed (2006), he ventured into more genre heavy films and Hugo was one of those films.  This is more Scorsese-lite, as it is a kids movie about an orphan named Hugo (Asa Butterfield) who lives in a train station and discovers a mystery involving his late father.  Even if it is a kids film, it is still a Scorsese movie, which means it is filled with stellar performances, stunning visuals (especially since this was Scorsese’s first venture into 3-D), deep themes of family, and a perfect ode to classic cinema.  I love this movie and can’t wait to give it another whirl.



1 – E.T. the EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (Steven Spielberg, 1982)

Usually my number one choices on these lists are pretty easy to pick out.  I’ll look at the list of movies and immediately one sticks out as the best one coming out.  E.T. was that movie for January.  I love that Netflix has been releasing Spielberg movies over the last few months, and his classics too, like Jaws (1975), Jurassic Park (1993), and Saving Private Ryan (1998).  E.T. is a sensational movie.  A movie that will make you laugh, cry, cringe, and be scared.  It is one of Spielberg’s best directed and features one of the best scores of John Williams’s career.  This is a true masterpiece and filmmaking at its finest.


What are your favorite movies coming to Netflix in January?  Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook and YouTube by searching Kevflix.